Currently we have 6 web applications which contains the backlink.
The backlink was to added to the bottom of customer’s website. The purpose for adding backlink is to improve SEO of our portals.
Currently the products which has backlink are Wordpress, Odoo, Moodle, Magento, Opencart, Drupal.
A few of our customers want to remove the backlink. This article will show you how to remove backlink for the 6 web applications.
For example, the Backlink for Moodle likes below screen:
1 Remove Backlink for Moodle
Log into moodle with admin user then go to
Then go to
Dashboard-> Site Administration -> Appearance -> Additional HTML
Then Delete the content then save changes.
2. Remove Backlink for Odoo
Login odoo with admin account and activate the developer mode.
Go to settings—>Technical—>User Interface—>Views
Search “login”.
Edit “Login layout”.
Remove the content below then save the changes.
<div class="text-center small"><a href="" title="Odoo Cloud Hosting on Kubernetes Cloud">Hosted By Odoo Clusters</a></div>
3. Remove Backlink for Wordpress
Login into wordpress with admin user and go to Installed plugins menue. Deactivate The Insert Headers and Footers plugin.
4. Remove Backlink for Magento
Execute SQL statement below in phpmyadmin or MySQL:
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'design/footer/absolute_footer' and scope_id = '1';
Then flush cache for magento:
cd /cloudclusters/magento && bin/magento cache:flush
5. Remove backlink for Opencart
Login into Shell/SSH:
cd /cloudclusters/opencart/html/catalog/language/en-gb/common && ll
vi /cloudclusters/opencart/html/catalog/language/en-gb/common/footer.php
Remove the content below from text_powered:
<a href="" title="OpenCart Cloud Hosting on Kubernetes Cloud">Hosted By OpenCart Clusters</a>
6. Remove backlink for Drupal
Login into Shell/SSH:
vi /cloudclusters/drupal/core/modules/system/src/Plugin/Block/SystemPoweredByBlock.php
Remove the content below from public function build:
<div>Hosted By<a href="" title="Drupal Cloud Hosting on Kubernetes Cloud"> Drupal Clusters</a></div>
Execute command to clear cache:
cd /cloudclusters/drupal && drush cache:clear
Choose 5 then Press “Enter” to continue.