How to Cancel a Domain Name or Disable Domain Auto Renewal

A domain will be renewed at the very first day of new billing cycle by default, and a related invoice will be charged if a valid credit card or PayPal subscription ID is provided. To disable auto-renewal for your domain or cancel the domain name, follow these steps:

1 Login to your billing account

For more details, refer to How to login to your billing account at

2 Choose the domain you want to cancel

1. Click the “Domains” drop list, and then click “My Domains” to open the list.

2. Once the to-be-cancelled domain is found, click any regions after the domain name, but NOT right on the domain name. Otherwise, a website page will pop up. After the click, a “Manage” menu will appear on the up-left corner.


3 Disable auto renewal

  1. ​​Under “Manage”, click “Auto Renew”, and then the “Disable Auto Renew” button. 

  2. After clicking the button, your automatic renewal status will be disabled as follows. Then, your domain name will be expired and cancelled in your next renewal date, and you will not be charged by us.




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