1 Login to your billing account
For more details, refer to How to login to your billing account at https://portal.databasemart.com/kb/a185/how-to-login-to-your-billing-account.aspx.
2 Choose the service you want to cancel
- On your billing account page, click the “Services” menu, and then click “My Services” to open the “My Products & Services” page.

- On the “My Products & Services” page, find the service to be cancelled and click any regions along the service. A “Manage Product” page will pop up.

3 Submit a cancellation request
- Click the “Request Cancellation” button at the bottom of the “Manage Product” page.

- In the “Account Cancellation Request” page, input the cancellation reason in the “Briefly Describe your reason for Cancellation” text box.

Based on your needs, please select the cancellation type as “immediately” or “End of Billing Period”. Then, click the “Request Cancellation” button at the bottom of the page.
Note After you submit the “immediately” cancellation request, your service will be terminated within the next 24 hours. If you submit the request as “End of Billing Period”, the service will be canceled at the end of billing cycle.

Once you submit the cancellation request, you will receive the following message in the “Account Cancellation Request” page:
Thank You. Your cancellation request has been submitted. If you have done this in error, open a support ticket to notify us immediately or your account may be terminated.
Additionally, you will receive one of the following emails:
Email for the “immediately” cancellation request
Dear Name (company name),
This email is to confirm that we have received your cancellation request for the service listed below.
Product/Service: Product Name
Domain: Domain name
The service will be terminated within the next 24 hours.
Thank you for using Database Mart LLC and we hope to see you again in the future.
Database Mart LLC
Email for the “End of Billing Period” cancellation request
Dear Name (company name),
This email is to confirm that we have received your cancellation request for the service listed below.
Product/Service: Product name
Domain: Domain name
The service will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period on month/date/year.
Thank you for using Database Mart LLC and we hope to see you again in the future.
Database Mart LLC
Article ID: 350, Created: April 12, 2017 at 8:48 PM, Modified: April 12, 2017 at 8:51 PM