The tutor is about the installation of ISPConfig in different Linux distributions automatically
Supported Linux distributions:
CentOS 7.x 64-bit
CentOS 8.x 64-bit
Ubuntu Server 20 LTS 64-bit
Ubuntu Server 18 LTS 64-bit
Ubuntu Server 16.x LTS 64-bit
Ubuntu Server 14.x LTS 64-bit
Debian 10.x 64-bit
Debian 9.x 64-bit
Debian 8.x 64-bit
OpenSUSE 42.3 64-bit
Step 1 Download the installation file
Before we download the file, we need to install the related tool wget in our server. The command is as follows:
In Ubuntu, the command is “apt-get -y install wget ”.(When you login to Ubuntu as "administrator", input "sudo -i" for root privilege to install ISPconfig, then begin those operations)
In CentOS, the command is “ yum -y install wget ”
Then you need to download the installation file.
“cd /usr/local/src”
“ wget “
Step 2 Extract the installation file
“tar -xvf ispconfig_basic_install.tar.gz ”
Step 3 Switch to the path of the installation file
“cd ispconfig_basic_install ”
Step 4 Please run “bash” to begin installation.
“ bash ”
You will be asked to enter the related password and choose the type of Web Server during the installation. This installation will take about 30 minutes.
If this interface appears during installation,select “no”
Step 5 Log into ISPconfig
After the installation is finished, you will be able to access it via https://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/.
Default User: admin
Password: The entered password in step4
Above is the basic installation will include the following software: apache, mysql, php(php_modules) and pure-ftp. The next will show the installation of other software:
Step 6: Switch to the path of the installation file.
Step 7: If you need to install Mail Server and DNS Server, please run “bash”.
7.1 You will be asked to enter the root password of MySQL.
7.2 Then you will need to confirm the web server.
7.3 You will be asked to enter a new password of the database “dbroundcube”.
7.4 After the installation is finished, you will see the following details:
Step 8 Login to ISPConfig, you will see the DNS Server and Mail Server.
Simple Installation flow:
1) yum -y install wget or apt-get -y install wget && apt-get update(optional)
2) cd /usr/local/src
3) wget
4) tar -xvf ispconfig_basic_install.tar.gz
5) cd ispconfig_basic_install
6) bash
7) bash