How to Create FTP account in ISPConfig

How to Create FTP account in ISPConfig


On all our ISPConfig systems we use the client id or client name as prefix on everything (dbname, ftplogin, shell accounts etc…) everywhere you're working on the server you'll find those numbers and always reference to one client. By default, the ftp account has a prefix once it has been created in ISPConfig. If your ftp account have a prefix. Please use the first way (Method1) to create FTP account. Otherwise, please use the second way (Method2) to create FTP account.

Method 1 (Default setting)


1 Login to ISPConfig


2 Choose “FTP Accounts” under Sites

3 Click "Add new FTP-User" under FTP Accounts item


4 Enter FTP username and password

5 Check the FTP account


Method 2

If you donot want to keep the prefix for your FTP account. You can remove the prefix in your ISPConfig settings.

1 Choose “Interface” under System

  1. You need to remove the prefix in your ispconfig settings:  System -> Interface Config   before you create an FTP account.
  2.  You need to find the “FTP user prefix” under the “System config” and then delete “CLIENTNAME”

2 Choose “FTP Accounts” under Sites


3 Click "Add new FTP-User" under FTP Accounts item

4 Enter FTP username and password


5 Check the FTP account


6 Done

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