How to Install MailEnable?

The following are the steps to install MailEnable service on Windows VPS.

1. Download the MailEnable installation package.


2. Installation

Right-click to open the downloaded program application, select [yes] in the installation prompt.
To continue installing the application, click on the [Next] button.

2.1 Registration details

Enter your name and company name in the box.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.2 Select installation components

Select the MailEnable components to install.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.3 Choose program installation location

Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.4 Select Program Manager group

Accept the default settings to install the icons under the “Mail Enable” Program Group.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.5 Selecting Repository

Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.6 Creating an initial post office

Create a post office and enter a complex password when installing MailEnable for the first time.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.7 Selecting Message Store Location

Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.8 SMTP connector configuration

Enter the Domain Name, DNS Host(s), SMTP Port in the box.
Domain Name: The Domain Name for this server. 
DNS Host: The DNS host used by the SMTP Connector to locate mail servers. 
SMTP Port: The SMTP port is almost always set to 25.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.9 Start installation

Please select the [Next] button to continue.
Please select the [Next] button to continue.

2.10 Completing installation

Please click the [Finish] button to complete the installation of MailEnable.
The installation program will advise if a reboot is required after install or upgrade.

3. configuration

3.1 Restrict Relay

Uncheck 2 options to restrict relay to prevent sending spam.

3.2 Restrict Sender Domain


3.3 Enable TLS for both Inbound and Outbound

Related Link: Installing and configuring MailEnable?
Related Link: Installation Failure for MailEnable

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