How to access console via IPMI

1. Download Java Environment

It requires the Java environment to access the console. If you have not installed JRE, please install it first at

2. Access the IPMI via Browser

Please just open any Browser and then enter the IPMI IP. Then you will be asked for fill with the username and password.


3. Launch the IPMI console

3.1 Click ‘Launch Console’

3.2 Open the IPMI console

A. For Dedicated IPMI

If the IPMI IP is http://x.x.x.x or https://x.x.x.x, that means the IPMI type is dedicated IP. Please just click the file "Launch.jnlp" as follows:

B. For Shared IPMI

If the IPMI IP is http://x.x.x.x:port or https://x.x.x.x:port, such as http:, that means the IPMI type is shared. Please follow the below steps:

Note: For Shared IPMI, please only access the IPMI through Google Chrome or Firefox.

3.2.1 Open the downloaded .jnlp file in the folder


3.2.2 Edit the .jnlp file you just downloaded

Please update the highlighted areas as per the screenshot below. We will provide the new ports when we send the IPMI login details.

3.2.3 Double-click the above updated .jnlp file

4. Others

4.1 To access the console to manage the server normally


4.2 It shows “Application Error” (The issue is related JRE version. Please install the latest version via the link in step 1 and repeat step 2 to step 3.)


4.3 It shows “Java Application Blocked” (Please add the site into the trust list of Java)


4.3.1 Please access the Java control panel 


4.3.2 Please click “Security” and “Edit Site List”


4.3.3 Please add the IPMI URL to the list


4.3.4 Please launch the console again and access it


5. Done


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